Contact Me


I love hearing from my readers! I check my email often and reply as soon as I can. If you haven’t heard back from me within a few days, please reach out to me again through a different channel as your email may have gone astray. If you’re writing to inquire about the following topics, the information below may be helpful.

Sharing Writing/Photographs/Artwork

If you want to share one of my posts, images, or other content on your site or social media channels, please feel free to do so. Please leave my watermarks intact and give credit with a link back to my site. Do not add your own watermark to my images.

Writing, Editing, and Content Creation Services

If you’ve landed here looking for a writer, editor, or other support services, I’d love to chat with you. Please head over to my VA website ( to book a free discovery call.

Artwork/Project Commissions

I take limited commissions as time and creative fit allows. Prices vary depending on the size and complexity of the proposed piece.

I look forward to hearing from you!

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